The Korean red ginseng, is a Food Integrator produced and packaged in various forms: pure, liquid, capsules, pills, tablets, tea, sweets, cosmetics etc.
And advisable to consume on a regular basis over time. In this way, it is able to make many benefits to our body.
Here are the most important effects of Korean red ginseng :
- tonic and energizer
- can help strengthen the defenses of the immune system, the endocrine, nervous
- It can help reduce stress and neurosis (resistance to heat, cold, chemical intoxications)
- It can help the regulation of blood pressure
- can help enhance physical performance
- It can help improve mental performance
- It can help combat premature aging
- It can improve sex life by stimulating the desire and sexual function
- can help reduce excess fats and sugars in the blood, it affects liver and detoxification systems
- It can act beneficially in the resolution of some sexual problems, such as male impotence, anorgasmia and lack of desire. A high level of stress, in fact, is one of the main factors that negatively affect sex life.
In summary, the action on the energy metabolism.
Note: the effects of ginseng may vary from person to person! It possible that the product does not have the same effect on your body, as is reported by some of our customers.

The Korean red ginseng can be consumed by all.
The Korean red ginseng, rich in ginsenosides, is able to improve the fit and the body’s response to external stimuli: stress, disorders, diseases.
It ‘a real natural remedy to keep the overall morale and welfare.
Red Ginseng is very suitable for the elderly and debilitated to strengthen the immune system.
Increase your metabolism and revitalizes. It gives vitality.
The Korean red ginseng is a stimulant of cognitive function and memory. Promotes mental focus.
Particularly suitable for exam period.
For sports Ginseng is a natural energizer, anti-fatigue.
It improves breathing and physical and athletic performance. It is also non-toxic and well tolerated by the body.
Korean Red Ginseng is a real food. As such it can become part of the daily diet.
The effects of antioxidants and strengthening of the body are supplied by a constant intake of Ginseng Pure in its various configurations (eg milk every morning, tea in the afternoon, pills at lunch).
- Assessment report on Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (2014), European medicines agency
- Adaptogen Use Across Cultures (2009), Vanessa Mordones
- Che cosa sono le piante adattogene (2011), Gianfranco Trapani
- OMS Monografie di piante medicinali Vol.1 della Società Italiana di Fitoterapia (2002)
- The history of ginseng in the management of erectile dysfunction in ancient China (3500-2600 BCE). (2012) Nair R., Sellaturay S., Sriprasad S.
- The Nature of Ginseng: From Traditional Use to Modern Research (2002), Subhuti Dharmananda
- Human Effect Matrix Panax Ginseng –
- Ginseng saponins and the treatment of osteoporosis: mini literature review (2013), M.H. Siddiqi et al.
- Protective effects of a gastrointestinal agent containing Korean red ginseng on gastric ulcer models in mice (2010), Oyagi et al.
- 300+ Research Papers on Ginseng Released – Korea Ginseng Corp
- Ginseng: Fact versus Mith – W.Hamilton, W.Kirchain
- Use of Ginseng in Medicine: Perspectives on CNS Disorders – K.Radad et al.
- Red ginseng for treating erectile dysfunction: a systematic review – Dai-Ja Jang et al.
- Korean Ginseng and Erectile Dysfunction – A Review of recent Research – Kerry Bone
- Nair R, Sellaturay S, Sriprasad S. The history of ginseng in the management of erectile dysfunction in ancient China (3500-2600 BCE). Indian J Urol [serial online] 2012 [cited 2014 Dec 18];28:15-20. Available from:
- Antidepressant-like effect of altered Korean red ginseng in mice (2011) – Kim NH1, Kim KY, Jeong HJ, Kim HM.
- Prospective observational study of treatments for unexplained chronic fatigue (2005) – Bentler SE, Hartz AJ, Kuhn EM
- Reay JL, Kennedy DO, Scholey AB. The glycaemic effects of singledoses of Panax ginseng in young healthy volunteers.
- Current alternative and complementary therapies used in menopause.Wong VC1, Lim CE, Luo X, Wong WS.
- Murphy LL, Lee TJ. Ginseng, sex behavior, and nitric oxide. (1995)